There is nothing quite like coming home after a long day to a warm and loving home to provide stability and peace. There is a saying that goes “happy wife, happy life.” Most married people would agree that the happiness of their union strongly influences and affects their overall happiness and outlook on life.
To fall head over heels in love with someone can happen in the blink of an eye, but making a relationship last the test of time is a mutual commitment and choice to put in the effort every single day, even when times get rough. Some of the most vital keys to relationship longevity are communication and intimacy, both physical and emotional. It is important to foster a connection with your partner where both of you can discuss what’s really going on—the good, bad, and everything in between.
There are some couples who find it hard to talk to one another, especially when it comes to disagreements. There are several possible reasons for this. Some people are naturally non-confrontational and have the tendency to bottle things up inside. Others do wish to speak up and share with their partner, but fear being judged or blamed by their partner. In a dynamic where one person feels like they cannot say how they feel or what they struggle with in a space that is open and safe, that person may eventually stop trying to communicate altogether. The breakdown of communication can lead to a breakdown of trust. As people grow distant, their marriage begins to crumble.
As difficult as it may be to save a marriage, a divorce mediator can help couples rebuild communication and intimacy in order to prevent divorce. Marriage contracts are a tool in Colleen McNamee’s mediation process. McNamee Mediations facilitates discussions between two people in a marriage, where each person expresses what they need in order to want to stay in their marriage. The mediator guides the couple as they negotiate the terms and put their agreement in writing in a marriage contract. The marriage contract encourages both people to cooperate to save their marriage. If the marriage contract is not upheld, one of the spouses in marriage may request to file for divorce with the paperwork that had been pre-prepared in mediation.

Mediation can be highly effective as it fosters peaceful and respectful dialogue. One of the main reasons spouses stop talking to each other is to avoid the fighting that seems to always quickly ensue, leaving both people hurt and without any hope left for the future. Non-violent communication is essential to overcoming obstacles in relationships, so that both people in the marriage can talk to one another about the straining issues that led them to seriously consider divorce. Sometimes, it takes a qualified expert with years of experience in different marital issues to help a couple productively work through their challenges and concerns.
Call McNamee Mediations today to help save your marriage and prevent divorce today.
McNamee Mediations
4590 MacArthur Blvd Suite 500, Newport Beach, CA 92660