As one of the most interconnected and influential business review organizations in Southern California,
South County Services is the voice of business in our region, and a growing leader in enhancing and advocating the business interests of the community.


A Connected And Solid Business Environment


We review and advance upcoming opportunities and solutions for various industries to grow our regional economy.

Southern California is one of the most vibrant and diverse business environments in the country, and we aim to keep it that way

  • 3.9 million small businesses
  • 7 million employees
  • 45 thousand startups per year
  • 1.7 million minority-owned businesses
  • Hundreds of industries, including technology, medical, construction, and utilities
With 48% of the working population employed in small businesses, California runs on a unique entrepreneurial spirit that has seen the rise of innumerable industry giants. From the orchards and fields of the Central Valley to the family owned auto shop in central Los Angeles, small businesses provide the health and vivacity that gives California its unique color and character.
These small businesses need protection and support to survive in a world rapidly moving towards centralization. A varied and diverse economy is one that is stronger and more flexible – and let’s face it, we don’t want a future where everything looks like the inside of a Target.
Our mission is simple: we are here to help independent businesses in our local economies receive the visibility necessary for growth in an ever-changing marketplace.

Rising threats

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic threw much of the world off-kilter, but southern California businesses were hit especially hard. With a rising number of restrictions designed to combat the spread of the disease, an economy based around ideal weather conditions and a showy restaurant scene felt the pinch.
Over 50% of small businesses in California have experienced dramatically negative effects from the pandemic and its subsequent governmental response. These businesses have had to take severe cost-cutting measures, including mass layoffs, cutting employee hours and benefits, and closing up shop altogether.
For those that remain, many are struggling to expand their online presence in order to keep their doors open and evolve in the face of potential disaster. South County Services remains determined to broadcast their web presence to as many eyes as possible and shore up some of their lost revenues.
Now more than ever, California needs its small businesses, and those businesses need our help. Depending on our decisions now, we can either emerge from this pandemic with the soul of our state intact or in tatters.