Contractors and landscapers are a maddening lot, with quality of work ranging wildly from one project to another. For most of my adult life, I’ve bounced from one firm to another after being disappointed yet again by the guys who seemed to do such great job the first time around.

Finding the good ones is equally maddening, as we tend to go off the recommendations of friends and family just to find ourselves in the awkward position of informing them that the firm they vouched for just wasted thousands of your dollars on sloppy work because they didn’t have the right carpenter during the time slot set aside for your property. Whoops!

So, part of the raison d’etre of this project is making your life simpler by finding the best businesses in a given sector for our small slice of this great country. I’ll be damned if that doesn’t include contractors and landscapers that don’t provide consistent quality work.  

As spring slips quickly by and summer rears its dreadfully sweaty head, it’s the perfect time to maintain or redesign your landscaping so the plants can be full and healthy by the time winter rolls around. Seeing this, we thought it would be an equally perfect time to spotlight one of those consistently quality landscaping firms to make your life a little easier and a little less sun drenched.

Enter Torrey Pines Landscaping Company, a landscaping firm that’s earned some local fame from the exquisite outdoor residential designs they’ve implemented over the years. They have seriously done some impressive work, as a quick perusal through their Yelp page and website will show you.

The testimonials provided from Yelp paint just as rosy a picture of the company as the actual pictures do. This is demonstrated by one of the top reviews from Frank H. regarding their work on his topographically challenging yard:

“After moving to San Diego in 2009, we had at least a few landscapers do maintenance work on our property, which is challenging because of its size and topography (several elevation changes.)  We were referred to Torrey Pines Landscape Co. and we engaged TPLC to do our maintenance.  Impressed by their work, we later asked Harry Thompson to prepare a design for a substantial remodel of the landscaping, hardscape, some regrading and construction of permanent structures.  We liked and approved the design which, when completed, was beyond our expectations.  Though it had not been our objective in doing the project, with our permission, TPLC successfully submitted the work for industry recognition, including recognition as a “garden of the year” in San Diego Home & Garden magazine, and as one of the “secret gardens” in one of the annual LJ Historical Society events.  TPLC continues to do our maintenance work, which is supervised by a gentleman very knowledgeable in horticulture and which is well-performed by a crew with members we have known for years.  TPLC is top notch.”

So, if you’re in the market for a new landscaper in Point Loma, Encinitas, or general San Diego area after pulling your hair out for years over the sloppy work of previous companies, give TPLC a call. You’ll save a whole lot of heartache informing your aunt that her longtime landscaper ruined your begonias.

Torrey Pines Landscaping Company

(858) 454-1433

5560 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121